Rare white deer spotted in Minnesota park

Rare White Deer Spotted
Rare White Deer Spotted

At Father Hennepin State Park in Minnesota, a photographer caught a rare glimpse of a white deer wandering about the forest.

"We occasionally drive through the park after work in hopes of seeing a white deer, and on Friday, Nov. 14, 2014, as we entered the park, the deer were there and we captured this clip," the uploader told Jukin Media.

It's tricky to spot a white deer amid snow, and even more rare to see an albino deer in the wild. As you might have guessed, albino deer rarely live to adulthood because predators can spot them so easily. They also have very poor eyesight.

USA TODAY reports: "In a December 2013 report published by USA TODAY, Wisconsin naturalist John Bates, co-author of "White Deer: Ghosts of the Forest," said albino deer are born once in about 20,000 births. Some biologists claim only one in 100,000 deer is born albino, the report said."

Buckmasters.com gets a little more poetic, writing that "Chances of seeing one in the wild are very low. It might be easier finding a rare coin or a gold nugget in a stream."

If you think these deer are amazing, wait until you see the 'fanged deer' that was found in early November. It's called the Kashmir musk deer, and only the males have fangs. A research team spotted the endangered deer at least three times in Northeastern Afghanistan where it hadn't been seen since 1948.

To see more pics of albino deer, head over to the Huntley/Paulsen Facebook page. Interested in helping protect albino whitetail deer? Check out this site.

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